Pastor Nedra Buckmire

Pastor Nedra Buckmire co-labors in ministry with her husband Curt Buckmire, Senior Pastor of Spirit and Truth Worship Center in Loganville, Georgia. She is a native of Brooklyn, New York and has resided in Georgia since December 1987. Pastor Nedra has been married to Pastor Curt for 24 years and has two beautiful boys, Christian Emmanuel and Andrew Christopher. Her heart’s desire is that every believer knows what they believe, know why they believe what they believe, and are able to articulate what they believe.

Prior to being ordained a pastor, Pastor Nedra served faithfully as part of the core leadership at Stronghold Christian Church (SCC) for the past 11½ years under the guidance of Pastors Benjamin and Dr. Sherry Gaither. She also served as Senior Minister to the entire ministerial team and as an Executive Assistant to Pastors Benjamin and Dr. Sherry Gaither. Throughout her tenure at Stronghold Christian Church, Pastor Nedra served as a licensed minister, worship leader, intercessor, senior minister and facilitated several training classes in SCC’s teacher and ministerial certification programs. During her committed years of ministry unto the Lord, God was shaping a daughter to pursue and fulfill destiny. In October 2005, Pastor Benjamin and Dr. Sherry Gaither ordained Nedra to the office of Pastor to pursue the call of God upon her life.

God has anointed Pastor Nedra to preach and teach the uncompromising Word of God and to bring deliverance and healing to the Body of Christ and the world. Her message of hope and empowerment will ignite every hearer to pursue their destiny. Pastor Nedra’s passion is to see every believer walking in the authority that God has given them, which is part of their covenant through Jesus Christ.

Pastor Nedra received a Bachelors Degree in Leadership and Administration from Beulah Heights Bible University in May 2007. Realizing the call of God to continue her education, Pastor Nedra will continue to pursue her education as God graces her.